Our method of lake Weed Removal is the fastest & most effective on lake minnetonka.
Fastest Process - less maintenance - Chemical free - personal service
We selectively pull nuisance weeds by hand, giving you a weed-free swim area, while allowing low-growing native plants to reestablish themselves. These low-growing native plants help prevent Eurasian Milfoil and Curlyleaf Pondweed from regrowing, which means your swim area stays weed-free longer. Less maintenance also means you save money.
We're a full-service lake weed and shoreline management company, which means all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the water, we take care of everything. Ask how we can personalize our service to meet your unique shoreline needs.
Call today for a free estimate!

We are an eco-friendly company.
Your lake weeds don't go to waste. When we remove your weeds, we deliver them to the mulch store where they are composted and re-used.
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